: 1 HYMN XXVI. Common Metre. Hope of Heaven by the Refurrection of Christ. B 1 Pet. i. 3, 4, 5. LESS'D be the everlasting God, Be his abounding mercy prais'd, 2 When from the dead he rais'd his fon, 3 What though our inbred fins require 4 There's an inheritance divine, 5 Saints by the pow'r of God are kept HYMN XXVII. Common Metre. Affurance of Heaven; or, a Saint prepared to die. 2 Tim. iv. 6, 7, 8, 18. D EATH may dissolve my body now, Why do my minutes move so flow, 2 With heav'nly weapons I have fought Finish'd my course, and kept the faith, 3 God has laid up in heav'n for me 4 Nor hath the King of grace decreed 6 God is my everlasting aid, And hell shall rage in vain; To him be highest glory paid, And endless praise. Amen. HYMN XXVIII. Common Metre. The Triumph of Christ over the Enemies of the Church. Ifa. lxiii. 1, 2, 3, &c. 1 W HAI mighty man, or mighty God, Comes travelling in ftate Along the Idumean road, Away from Bozrah's gate ! 2 The glory of his robes proclaim 3 Why, mighty Lord, thy faints inquire, Why thine apparel red ? 5 4 " I, by myself, have trod the prefs, " And crush'd my foes alone ; "My wrath has struck the rebels dead, "My fury stamp'd them down. "'Tis Edom's blood that dies my robes "With joyful scarlet stains; "The triumph that my raiment wears "Sprung from their bleeding veins. 6 "Thus shall the nations be destroy'd "That dare insult my faints; "I have an arm t' avenge their wrongs, "An ear for their complaints." HYMN XXIX. Common Metre. The Triumph of Christ; or, the Ruin of Antichrift. Ifa. Ixiii. 4-7. "I LIFT my banner," faith the Lord, "The city of my gospel foes 2 " My heart has study'd just revenge, 4 " I call for helpers, but in vain : 5 "Slaughter, and my devouring sword, "Shall walk the streets around, "Babel, shall reel beneath my stroke, " And stagger to the ground." 6 Thine honours, O victorious king! Thine own right hand shall raife, While we thine awful vengeance fing, And our deliv'rer praise. I I HYMN XXX. Long Metre. 3 Look how rebellious men deride 4 Hark! the Eternal rends the sky, 5 Come, children, to your Father's arms, 6 My sword shall boast its thousands slain, And drink the blood of haughty kings, While heav'nly peace around my flock Stretches its soft and shady wings. HYMN XXXII. Common Metre. HYMN XXXI. Referral to the ft Pfalm. Strength from Heaven. Ifa. xl. 27-30. I WHence do our mournful thoughts arife? Has restless sin, and raging hell, And can an all-creating arm 3 Treasures of everlasting might 4 Mere mortal pow'r shall fade and die, HYMNS XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII. Referred to Pfalms 131, 134, 67, 73, 90, and 84. HYMN XXXIX. Common Metre. God's tender Care of his Church. Ifa. xlix. 13, &c. I 'N' N° OW shall my inward joys arife, Almighty love inspires my heart, And pleasure tunes my tongue. |