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5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air,
We'll mount aloft to thine abode;
On wings of love our fouls shall fly,
Nor tire amidst the heav'nly road.


HYMN XLIX. Common Metre.

The Works of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3.


OW ftrong thine arm is, mighty God!
Who would not fear thy name ?

Jefus, how sweet thy graces are !
Who would not love the Lamb?

2 He has done more than Mofes did,
Our Prophet and our King;
From bonds of hell he freed our fouls,
And taught our lips to fing.
3 In the Red-Sea, by Mofes' hand,
Th' Egyptian host was drown'd;
But his own blood hides all our fins,
And guilt no more is found.

4 When through the defert Ifrael went,
With manna they were fed;
Our Lord invites us to his flesh,
And calls it living bread.

5 Mofes beheld the promis'd land,
Yet never reach'd the place;
But Christ shall bring his foll'wers home,
To fee his Father's face.

6 Then shall our love and joy be full,
And feel a warmer flame,
And sweeter voices tune the fong
Of Mofes and the Lamb.

HYMN L. Common Metre.

The Song of Zacharias, and the Message of John the Baptist; or, Light and Salvation by Jefus Chrift. Luke i. 68, &c. John i. 29, 32.


I TOW be the God of Ifrael bless'd,
Who makes his truth appear ;

His mighty hand fulfils his word,
And all the oaths he fware.

2 Now he bedews old David's root,
With blessings from the skies;
He makes the branch of promise grow,
The promis'd horn arife.

3 [John was the prophet of the Lord,
To go before his face ;
The herald which our Saviour-God
Sent to prepare his ways.

4 He makes the great falvation known,
He speaks of pardon'd fins;
While grace divine, and heav'nly love,
In its own glory shines.


"Behold the Lamb of God," he cries, "That takes our guilt away : " I saw the spirit o'er his head, "On his baptifing day.] 6 "Be ev'ry vale exalted high,

"Sink ev'ry mountain low; "The proud must stoop, and humble fouls "Shall his falvation know.

"The heathen realms with Ifrael's land
"Shall join in sweet accord ;
"And all that's born of man shall fee
"The glory of the Lord.

8 "Behold the Morning-Star arife, "Ye that in darkness fit;

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"He marks the path that leads to peace, " And guides our doubtful feet."

HYMN LI. Short Metre.
Preferving Grace. Jude 24, 25.

To God the only wife,

Our Saviour and our King,

Let all the faints below the skies
Their humble praises bring.

'Tis his almighty love,
His counsel and his care,
Preferves us fafe from fin and death,
And ev'ry hurtful snare.

3 He will present our fouls
Unblemish'd and complete,
Before the glory of his face,
With joys divinely great.
Then all the chofen feed
Shall meet around the throne,
Shall bless the conduct of his grace,
And make his wonders known.
To our Redeemer-God




Wisdom and pow'r belongs,
Immortal crowns of majesty,
And everlasting songs.

HYMN LII. Long Metre.
Baptifm. Matt. xxviii. 19. Acts ii. 38.


WAS the commiffion of our Lord,
"Go, teach the nations and baptize."

The nations have receiv'd the word
Since he afcended to the skies.

2 He fits upon th' eternal hills,
With grace and pardon in his hands,
And fend
the feals,
To bless the darksome Gentile lands.


" Repent, and be baptiz'd," he faith,
"For the remiffion of your fins ;"
And thus our fense assists our faith,
And shews us what his gospel means.

4 Our fouls he washes in his blood,
As water makes the body clean ;
And the good spirit from our God
Descends like purifying rain.

5 Thus we engage ourselves to thee,
And feal our cov'nant with the Lord;
0 may the great Eternal

In heav'n our folemn vows record!

HYMN LIII. Long Metre.

The Holy Scriptures. Heb. i. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 15, 16. Pfalm cxlvii. 19, 20.


GOD, who in various methods told

His mind and will to faints of old,
Sent his own Son with truth and grace,
To teach us in these latter days.

2 Our nation reads the written word,
That book of life, that fure record :
The bright inheritance of heav'n
Is by the sweet conveyance giv'n.

3 God's kindest thoughts are here express'd,
Able to make us wife and bless'd;
The doctrines are divinely true,
Fit for reproof and comfort too.

4 Ye people all, who read his love In long epistles from above,

† (He




To ev'ry land,) praise ye the Lord.

HYMN LIV. Long Metre. Electing Grace; or, Saints beloved in Christ. Eph. i. 3, &c.


ESUS, we bless thy Father's name;
Thy God and ours are both the fame;
What heav'nly blessings from his throne
Flow down to finners through his Son!
"Christ be my first elect," he said;
Then chose our fouls in Christ our head,
Before he gave the mountains birth,
Or laid foundations for the earth.

3 Thus did eternal love begin

To raise us up from death and fin; Our characters were then decreed, "Blameless in love, a holy feed." 4 Predestinated to be fons, Born by degrees, but chofe at once ; A new regenerated race,

To praise the glory of his grace.

5 With Christ, our Lord, we share a part
In the affections of his heart;
Nor shall our souls be thence remov'd,
Till he forgets his First-belov'd.

HYMN LV. Common Metre. Hezekiah's Song; or, Sickness and Recovery. Ifa.

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xxxviii. 9, &c.

WHEN we are rais'd from deep distress,

Our God deferves a fong;

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