4 The Lord hath both a temple here, and righteous throne above; Where he surveys the sons of men, aud how their councils move. 5 If God the righteous, whom he loves, for trial does correct, What must the sons of violence, whom he abhors, expect? And suddenly, or I shall sleep 4 Restore me, lest they proudly boast Permit not them that vex my soul to triumph in my shame. 5 Since I have always placed my trust beneath thy mercy's wing, Thy saving health will come; and then my heart with joy shall spring. 6 Snares, fire, and brimstone, on their heads 6 Then shall my song, with praise inspired, shall in one tempest shower; This dreadful mixture his revenge into their cup shall pour. 7 The righteous Lord will righteous deeds with signal favour grace, And to the upright man disclose the brightness of bis face. PSALM 12. SINCE godly men decay, O Lord, do thou my cause defend; For scarce these wretched times afford one just and faithfui friend. 2 One neighbour now can scarce believe what t'other does impart; With flattering lips they all deceive, and with a double heart. 8 But lips that with deceit abound can never prosper long; 5 For God, who hears the suffering poor, Then shall the wicked be perplex'd, When those whom they despised and vex'd, H OW long wilt thou forget me, Lord? How long wilt thou withdraw from me, 2 How long shall anxious thoughts my soul, and grief my heart oppress? How long my enemies insult, and I have no redress? 8 Oh! hear, and to my longing eyes restore thy wonted light, to thee my God ascend, Who to thy servant in distress PSALM 14. such bounty didst extend. SURE wicked fools must needs suppose nothing but a name; Corrupt and lewd their practice grows; no breast is warm'd with holy flame. 2 The Lord look'd down from Heaven' high tower, and all the sons of men did view, To see if any own'd his power; Then shouts of universal joy should loudly echo through the land. PSALM 15. LORD, who's the happy man that may to thy blest courts repair, Not stranger-like, to visit them, but te inhabit there? 2 Tis he, whose every thought and decd Whose generous tongue disdains to speak Nor hearken to a false report, 6 Who to his plighted vows and trust has ever firmly stood; And though he promise to his loss, he makes his promise good. 6 Whose soul in usury disdains his treasure to employ; Whom no rewards can ever bribe the guiltless to destroy. 7 The man, who by his steady course has happiness insured, When earth's foundation shakes, shall stand, by providence secured. PSALM 16. PROTECT me from my cruel foes, and shield me, Lord, from harm; Because my trust I still repose 2 My soul all help but thine does slight, the goodness thou hast shown. To favour always, and prefer, shall be my chief delight. 4 How shall their sorrows be increased, whe other gods adore! Their bloody offerings I detest, their very names abhor. & My lot is fall'n in that blest land He fills my cup with liberal hand, 7 Therefore my soul shall bless the Lord, And private counsel still afford in sorrow's dismal night. 8 I strive each action to approve to his all-seeing eye; No danger shall my hopes remove, because he still is nigh. 9 Therefore my heart all grief defies, my glory does rejoice; My flesh shall rest, in hope to rise, waked by his powerful voice. 3 For thou hast search'd my heart by day. and visited by night; And, on the strictest trial, found its secret motions right. 4 I know what wicked men would do, 5 That I may still, in spite of wrongs, O guide me in thy righteous ways, 6 Since, heretofore, I ne'er in vain O! now, my God, incline thine ear 7 The wonders of thy truth and love Thou, whose right hand preserves thy saints fronr their oppressor's rage. PART II. 8,90! keep me in thy tenderest care; 10 O'ergrown with luxury, enclosed 11 Well may they boast, for they have now 12 In posture of a lion set, when greedy of his prey; Or a young lion, when he lurks within a covert way. 18 Arise, O Lord, defeat their plots, their swelling rage control; From wicked men, who are thy sword, 10 Thou, Lord, when I resigr my breath, deliver thou my soul: my soul from hell shalt free; Nor let thy Holy One in death the least corruption see. 11 Thou shalt the paths of life display, which to thy presence lead; Where pleasures dwell without allay, 14 From worldly men, thy sharpest scourge, whose portion's here below; Who, fill'd with earthly stores, aspire no other bliss to know. 15 Their race is numerous, that partake PSALM 18. N° TO change of time shall ever shock be guarded from my treacherous foe. 4, 5 By floods of wicked men distress'd, witin seas of sorrow compass'd round, With dire infernal pangs oppress'd. in death's unwieldy fetters bound; 6 To heaven I made my meurnful prayer, to God address'd my humble moan; Who graciously inclined his ear, and heard me from his lofty throne. 7 When God arose my part to take, that coals were kindled at its flame. spired, with thickest shades his face to veil; But at his brightness soon retired, and fell in showers of fire and hail. 13 Through heaven's wide arch a thun dering peal God's angry voice did loudly roar; Like darts his nimble lightnings flew, By his avenging wrath exposed, 17 God his resistless power employ'd God does his gracious help extend; nor loosely wander'd from my God. 23, 24 But still my soul, sincere and pure did even from darling sins refrain; His favours therefore yet endure, because my heart and hands are clean. PART IV. ways 25, 26 Thou suit'st, O Lord, thy righteous shall meet with due returns fi om thee. and did o'er numerous foes prevail; Nor fear'd, whilst he was on my side, the best defended walls to scale. 30 For God's design shall still succeed, his word will bear the utmost test; He's a strong shield to all that need, and on his sure protection rest. 31 Who then deserves to be adored, but God, on whom my hopes depend? Or who, except the mighty Lord, can with resistless power defend? PART V. 32, S3 Tis God that girds my armour on, which fiercely raged that dreadful day. 34 Lessons of war from him I take, PART III. 16 The Lord did on my side engage; from heaven, his throne, my cause upheld; And snatch'd me from the furious rage of threatening waves, that proudly swell'd. and manly weapons learn to wield; Strong bows of steel with ease I break, forced by my stronger arms to yield. 35 The buckler of his saving health protects me from assaulting foes; His hand sustains me still; my wealth till I a final conquest make. 38 Cover'd with wounds, in vain they try He makes my strong opposers yield, 40 Through him the necks of prostrate foes my conquering feet in triumph press; Aided by him, I root out those who hate and envy my success. "His mercy evermore extends "to David and his promised race." PSALM 19. THE THE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, 3 Their powerful language to no realm alike by all mankind. 4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense 41 With loud complaints all friends they No giant does like him rejoice try'd; but none was able to defend; At length to God for help they cry'd; ke loathsome dirt, that clogs the ground. PART VI. 43 Our factious tribes, at strife till now, by God's appointment me obey; The heathen to my sceptre bow, and foreign nations own my sway. 44 Remotest realms their homage send, when my successful name they hear; Strangers for my commands attend, charm'd with respect, or awed by fear. 45 All to my summons tamely yield, or soon in battle are dismay'd; For stronger holds they quit the field, and still in strongest holds afraid. 46 Let the eternal Lord be praised, the rock on whose defence I rest! To highest heavens his name he raised, who me with his salvation blest! 47 'Tis God that still supports my right; his just revenge my foes pursues; Tis he, that, with resistless might, fierce nations to my yoke subdues. 48 My universal safeguard he! from whom my lasting honours flow; He made me great, and set me free from my remorseless bloody foe. 49 Therefore, to celebrate his fame, my grateful voice to heaven I'll raise; And nations, strangers to his name, shall thus be taught to sing his praise: 50 "God to his king deliverance sends; "shows his anointed signal grace; to run his glorious race. 6 From east to west, from west to east, 7 God's perfect law converts the soul; reclaims from false desires; With sacred wisdom his sure word the ignorant inspires. 8 The statutes of the Lord are just, and bring sincere delight; His pure commands in search of truth assist the feeblest sight. 19 His perfect worship here is fix'd, on sure foundations laid; His equal laws are in the scales of truth and justice weigh'd; 10 Of more esteem than golden mines, or gold refined with skill; More sweet than honey, or the drops that from the comb distil. 11 My trusty counsellors they are, and friendly warnings give; Divine rewards attend on those who by thy precepts live. 12 But what frail man observes how oft O cleanse me from my secret faults, my strength and Saviour, rest distress; The name of Jacob's God defend, 4 To compass thy own heart's desire, to bring them to effect. 5 To thy salvation, Lord, for aid we cheerfully repair, With banners in thy name display'd; "the Lord accept thy prayer." 6 Our hopes are fix'd, that now the Lord, our sovereign, will defend; From heaven resistless aid afford, and to his prayer attend. 7 Some trust in steeds for war design'd; on chariots some rely; Against them all we'll call to mind the power of God most high. 8 But from their steeds and chariots thrown, behold them through the plain, Disorder'd, broke, and trampled down, whilst firm our troops remain. 9 Still save us, Lord, and still proceed our rightful cause to bless; Hear, King of heaven, in times of need, the prayers that we address. PSALM 21. , THE THE king, king, O Lord, with songs of praise thy strength rejoice; With thy salvation crown'd, shall raise to heaven his cheerful voice. 2 For thou, whate'er his lips request, not only dost impart; But hast, with thy acceptance, blest the wishes of his heart. 3 Thy goodness and thy tender care have all his hopes outgone; A crown of gold thou mad'st him wear, and sett'st it firmly on. 4 He pray'd for life; and thou, O Lord, didst to his prayer attend, And graciously to him afford a life that ne'er shall end. His mercy still supports his throne, and all his wants supplies. 8 But, righteous Lord, thy stubborn foes shall feel thy heavy hand; Thy vengeful arm shall find out those that hate thy mild command. 9 When thou against then dost engage, thy just but dreadful doom Shall, like a glowing oven's rage, their hopes and them consume. 10 Nor shall thy furious anger cease, or with their ruin end; But root out all their guilty race, and to their seed extend. 11 For all their thoughts were set on ill, their hearts on malice bent; But thou with watchful care didst still the ill effects prevent. 12 While they their swift retreat shall make to 'scape thy dreadful migint, Thy swifter arrows shall o'ertake, and gall them in their flight. 13 Thus, Lord, thy wondrous strength dis close, and thus exalt thy fame; Whilst we glad songs of praise compose to thy Almighty name. MY PSALM 22. Y God, my God, why leav'st thou me O! why so far from me removed 3 Yet thou art still the righteous Judge 7 With laughter all the gazing crowd my agonies survey; and thus deriding say: 5 Thy sure defence through nations round They shoot the lip, they shake the head. has spread his glorious name; And his successful actions crown'd with majesty and fame. 6 Eternal blessings thou bestow'st, and makest his joys increase; Whilst thou to him unclouded show'st the brightness of thy face. PART II. 7 Because the king on God alone for timely aid relies; 8 " In God he trusted, boasting oft "that he was heaven's delight; "Let God come down to save him now, "and own his favourite." |