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HE Pfalter fhall be read thro' once every Month, as it is there appointed, both for Morning and Evening Prayer. But in February it | fhall be read only to the 28th, or 29th day of the Month.

And whereas January, March, May, July, Auguft, October, and December, have one-and-thirty days apiece, it is ordered, that the fame Pfalms fhall be read the last day of the faid Months, which were read the day before: fo that the Pfalter may be gin again the first day of the next Month enfuing.

And whereas the 119 Pfalm is divided into 22 Portions, and is over long to be read at one time, it is so ordered, that at one time fhall not be read above four or five of the faid Portions.

And at the end of every Pfalm, and of every fuch part of the 119 Pfalm fhall be repeated this Hymn, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghoft;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fball be: world without end. Amen.

Note, That the Pfalter followeth the Divifion of the Hebrews, and the Tranflation of the great English Bible, fet forth and ufed in the time of K. Henry Vill, and Edward VI.

ufed at the Miniftration of the holy
Communion throughout the Year.
Miniftration of the holy Communion.
Baptifm, both Public and Private.
Baptifm for thofe of Riper Years.
The Catechifm: with the Order for
Confirmation of Children.

Form of Solemnization of Matrimony.
Vifitation and Communion of the Sick.
The Order for the Burial of the Dead.
Thanksgiving for Women after Child-

A Commination or Denouncing of God's
anger and judgments against Sinners.
The Pfalter.

The Order how the rest of the Holy
Scriptures is appointed to be read.

THE Old Teftament is appointed
for the firft Leffons at Morning
and Evening Prayer.

The New Teftament is appointed for the fecond Leffons at Morning and Evening Prayer.

And to know what Leffons fhall be read every day, look for the day of the month in the Calendar fol. lowing, and there you shall find the Chapters that fhall be read for the Leffons both at Morning and Evening Prayer; except only the Moveable Feafts, which are not in the Calendar, and the Immoveable, where there is a blank left in the Column of Leffons; the Proper Leffons for all which days are to be found in the table of Proper Leffons.

And note, that whenfoever Proper Pfalms or Leffons are appointed, then the Pfalms and Leffons of ordinary courfe appointed in the Pfalter & Calendar (if they be dif ferent) fhall be omitted for that time.

Note alfo, that the Collect, Epif tle, and Gospel appointed for the Sunday, fhall ferve all the Week after, where it is not in this Book otherwise ordered,

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Proper LESSONS to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer, on the SUNDAYS throughout the


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Sundays after
The firf

(ver. 34 (ver. 21

Trinity Sunday


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Genefis 1 Gen. 18



2 Leffon

Matth. 31 John 5

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Proper LESSONS to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer, on the

S. Andrew

S. Thomas the


Nat. of Chrift 1 Leffon

HOLY-DAYS throughout the Year.

Mattins Evenfong.

Prov. 20 Prov. 21

Mattins. Evenfong.

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1 Leffon 2 Leffon

Prov. 28 Ecclef. 4

Afcenfion Day

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1 Leffon

Deut, 10 2 Kings 2

2 Leflon

Mond. in Wbit

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S. John Evan
I Leffon
2 Leffon
Innocents day
I Leffon
2 Leffon
I Leffon

2 Leffon Converfion of S. Paul

Rev. I Rev. 22 Jer. 31 to Wifd. I (v. 18

Gen. 17 DeuroV12 Rom. 2 Coloff. 2

Ifaiah 60 Ifaiah 49 Luke 3 to John 2 to (ver. 23) (v. 12

Wifd. 5 Wifd. 6 Acts 22 to Acts 26

Tuef. in Whitfun Week Leffon

2 Leffon

S. Barnabas

1 Leffon

2 Leffon

Luke 24 Eph. 4 to

Gen. 11 to Num. 11 v (v. 10 (16 to v30j I Cor. 121 Cor. 14 (to v. 26

1 Sam 19 Deu. 30 (v. 18

Theff. 51 John 4 (v. 12 to (to V. 14 (v. 24 Ecclus 10 Ecclus.12 Acts 14 Acts 15 to v. 36

Malachi3 Malachi4| Matt 3 Mat. 14 to (v. 13

1 Leffon

2 Leffon

Purification of

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the Vir. Mary Wifd.


Wifd. 12

1 Leffon

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Ecclus 15 Ecclus. 19) Acts 3 Acts 4

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Thurf.b. Eaft

Good Friday

S. James Eccles 21 Ecclus.22

Daniel 9 Jerem. 31 S. Bartholomew |

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2 Leffon Eafter Even

1 Leffon

2 Leffon Monday in Eafter 'eek 1 Leffon 2 Leffon Tuesday in Eafter Week 1 Leffon

2 Leffon

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Wifd. 3 to Wifd. 5 to
V 10 1. (v. 17

2 Leffon Heb 11 v. Rev. 19 to

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