1 JOHN V. 11. This is the Record, that God hath given to us eternal Life, and this Life is in his Son. JOHN viii. 36.
If the Son fhall make you free, ye fhall be free indeed. PSALM XXIX 2. Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness.
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A Charge to keep I have
A dawn of hope my foul revives 223 A form of words, the' e'er fo found 140 A thousand foes prepare to war
91 Ah! LORD, how faithlefs is my heart 340 Ah! lovely appearance of death 357 Ah! what can I do
317 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed
214 And is it yet, dear LORD, a doubt
344 And let this feeble body fail
312 And now, my foul, another year
208 And will the LORD thus condefcend 104 Arife, my foul, my joyful pow'rs 124 Arise, my tend'reft thoughts, arise 288 Arife, my foul, with wonder fee 119 Array'd in mortal flesh
127 Awake, and fing the fong
308 Awake, my foul, and with the fun 362 Awake, ye faints, and lift your eyes
73 Be with me, LORD, where'er I go 178 Before Jehovah's awful throne 234 Believers own they are but blind 232 Belet with fnares on ev'ry hand 156 Blefs, O my foul, the living GOD 250 Bless'd be the Eather, and his love 84 Blessed are the sons of GoD
262 Bleft are the fouls that hear and know 371 Bleft be the dear uniting love 370 Bleft by Jefu's providence 352 Blow ye the trumpet, blow 141 Brethren, let us join to blefs 235 By whom was David taught
83 Children of Israel, see what shade 132 Children of the heav'nly King 324 CHRIST the LORD is ris'n to-day 246 CHRIST'S Own soft hand shall wipe your tears242 177 Chriftians in your fev'ral stations 282 Come, dearest LORD, descend and dwell - 266 166 Come, defcend, O heav'nly Spirit 269 Come, guilty fouls, and flee away 179 Come, heav'nly love, inspire my fong 330 Come, holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove 233 Come, holy Spirit, come
256 Come, holy Ghoft, fet to thy feal 57 Come, let us join our chearful fongs 71 Come, let us all unite to praise 265 Come, O thou univerfal good -
360 Come, LORD, and warm each languid heart345 301 Come, O my foul, and fing 225 Come, thou bleft Jesus, quickly come 12 Come, thou Almighty King 428 Come, thou font of ev'ry bleffing 337 Come, thou long expected JESUS 4 Come, finners, to the Gospel-feast Come, ye finners, poor and wretched 9 Come, ye finners, come to JESUS 117 Come, 219 Come, weary fouls with fins distrest 272 Confirm the hope thy word allows
37. Dear LORD, attend my pray'r. 115 Dear refuge of my weary foul' 270 Dear LORD, accept a finful heart 157 Defcend from heav'n, immortal Dove 192 Deferters, to the camp return 87 Difciples of CHRIST
277 Difmifs us with thy bleffing, LORD 365 Does it not grief and wonder move
Doxologies 306 Dread Sovereign, let my ev'ning fong 271 Dress uniform the foldiers wear
267 Elijah's example declares 158 Encourag'd by thy word 305 Ere I fleep for ev'ry favour 65 Eternal source of joys divine
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