ONE, two, or three verfes have been omitted in many of the hymns; as it was the wifh of brother Richards, to comprefs the most poffible, into the fmalleft poffible compafs: but in no cafe has he added any thing of his own, to the compofitions of another, as this might have made an individual fpeak what he never intended. TEL BRETHREN! behold a cloud of witneffes: ye are encompaffed with them; they are of every chriftian .. name, and they all witnefs for Jefus, and his great falva 10 3 tion. Set ye to, alfo, your feal, that God is true; and praife, oh praise the Lord, amen and amen. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. النت ALL hail, incarnate God Almighty Father, gracious Lord And art thou with us gracious Lord And can my heart aspire so high Behold the woman's promis'd feed Bleft morning whofe young dawning rays Blefs'd be the everlasting God Could I of all perfection boast Clap your hands ye people all 'D DECEIV'D by subtle fnares of hell Deep in our hearts let us record Death with his dread commiffion feal'd E F |