| 1827 - 512 páginas
...What I do, thou knowest not now ; but thou shall know hereafter. Peter saith unto him ; Thou shall never wash my feet. Jesus answered him ; If I wash...also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him ; He thai is washed needeth not, save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit; and ye are clean, but not... | |
| 1827 - 524 páginas
...Jesus answered and said unto him ; What I do, thou knowest not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto him ; Thou shalt never wash my feet....saith unto him ; Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and ///// head. Jesus saith to him ; He that is washed needeth not, save to wash his feet, but... | |
| George Townsend - 1827 - 722 páginas
...answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. Johnxiu.8. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet....Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. John xm. 10. Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet,... | |
| John Platts - 1827 - 688 páginas
...hereafter. 6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter 5 said unto him, Lord, "dost thou wash my feet ? . 8 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet....Jesus answered him, *If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. 10 Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, 6 but... | |
| George Thomas Chapman - 1828 - 424 páginas
...wash my feet. Jesus answered. him, if 1 wash thee uot, thiui hast no part with me. Simon Peter oaith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands...to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye arc clean." You discover therefore, Brethren, the emblematick nature of these words, and their spiritual... | |
| William Dodd - 1828 - 522 páginas
...IN that day there shall be a fountain opened, &c. for sin. and for uncleanness. — Zech. xiii. 1. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet....Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part in me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. —... | |
| Hervey Wilbur - 1828 - 572 páginas
...Tcsus answered and said Unto nîm, What I do thot knowest not now; hut thou shall know hereafter. 8 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou nast no part with me. 9 Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my... | |
| 1828 - 828 páginas
...TJeausanswercdand said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now ; but thou shall know hereafter. 8 Petersaith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. 0 Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my heat!.... | |
| Elisha Bates - 1829 - 360 páginas
...Jesus answered and said unto him : What I do thou knowest not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto Him : Thou shalt never wash my feet....feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith unto him : He that is washed, needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit ; and ye are... | |
| James Nourse - 1829 - 292 páginas
...said unto him, What I 7 114 do thou knowest not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith 8 unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered...no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, 9 not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him, 10 He that is washed needeth... | |
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