| Richard Warner - 1816 - 406 páginas
...whether you repent you truly of your " former sins ; stedfastly purposing to lead a ** new life, having a lively faith in GOD'S " mercy through CHRIST, with a thankful " remembrance of his death, and being in •* charity with all men." SERMON XXIII. [For Easter Day.] * * • • , COLOSSI ANS ill.... | |
| Elegant extracts - 1816 - 1082 páginas
...great atonement for sin I To our repentance, and resolutions of obedience, we are required to add " a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ ; with a thankful remembrance of his death." We should impress ourselves with the deepest sense of humility — totally rejecting every idea of... | |
| 1859 - 932 páginas
...on me a greater and far more heavy punishment. Let me, then, truly and earnestly repent of my sins, have a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ,...remembrance of His death, and be in charity with all men. So will I draw near with faith, and take this holy sacrament to my comfort ; and so shall this ceremonial... | |
| 1817 - 522 páginas
...him truly of his former sins, steadfastly purposing (should he survive) to lead a new life, having a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death, and being in charity with all men,' he bids him look back to his past fondness, and is astonished that... | |
| William Fordyce Mavor - 1818 - 178 páginas
...bodies are by the bread and wine. Q. IVhat is required of them who come to the Lor-d'& supper ? A. To examine themselves, whether they repent them truly...to lead a new life ; have a lively faith in God's merey through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death ; and be in charity with all men. NB... | |
| Henrietta Maria Bowdler - 1819 - 270 páginas
...see whether we truly repent of our former sins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new life ; whether we have a lively faith in GOD'S mercy through CHRIST, with a thankful remembrance of his death ; and whether we are in charity with all men. " In this excellent summary of the appeal which we are to make... | |
| 1770 - 340 páginas
...fuppery to examine themjehes 'whether they repent them truly of their formerjins,jledfajlly purpofing to lead a new life: have a lively faith in GOD's mercy through Cbrift, isitb a thankful remembrance of bis death, and to be in charity with all men . And all perfons... | |
| Episcopal Church - 1819 - 554 páginas
...bodies are by the bread and wine. Quest. What is required of thxe who come to the Lord's Supper ? Ans. To examine themselves, whether they repent them truly of their former sins, steadfastly purposing to lead a new life ; have a lively faith in God's mercy, through Christ, with... | |
| Thomas Bowen (chaplain.) - 1820 - 360 páginas
...season, for the receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, which will keep up a lively sense of God's mercy, through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of, his death, and dispose you to be in charity with all men. I£ you have injured, any private person, or the public,... | |
| Birmingham sacellum Erdingtoniense - 1821 - 644 páginas
...our bodies are by the bread and wine. Q. What is required of them who come to the Lord's Supper ? A . To examine themselves, whether they repent them truly...sins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new life ; have a humble. and lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death ;... | |
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